Baston - Flamenco Wooden Stick

Baston is another of the typical accessories of flamenco dance.
It is actually a percussion instrument used often by flamenco teachers to set the time, the rhythm and the "compas"
Today, you can very often see bastons on stages as part of a choreography (for example martinete dance).
Bastons we offer in our shop are all handmade from different types of wood.
Each of them is therefore original and differs from the other pieces by slight variations in shape and dimensions.


6 items total


Baston tmavy hladky 1200 900 2 BAST/FE/OSC
Baston tmavy hladky 1200 900 BAST/FE/OSC/XL
Baston tmavy ornament 1200 900 BAST/FE/OSC/TAL/XL
baston svetly 400 400 BAST/FE/NAT/XL
baston svetly 1200 900 BAST/FE/NAT