Big mantons (Manila shawls)

Manton from Manila is one of the most beautiful props for flamenco dancing but can also serve as a spectacular addition to women's clothing for special occasions.

Although the manton is perceived as typically Spanish, its origins go back to the distant Chinese city of Canton. From there, Filipino traders brought it to Manila hundreds of years ago, hence the manton is also called Manila manton. Filipinos then transported various goods bought in China from Manila to Mexico. Some items, such as silk mantons, were then shipped from Mexico to Spain.

The original Chinese embroideries of the manton were gradually adapted to the tastes of the Sevillian women. It was only at their request that mantons were also decorated with long fringes.


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Velký manton PALOMA koralový VM/FOR/PAL/COR
VM crema MF MF 1200 1200 VM/FOR/PAL/MF
Velký manton PALOMA fuxia tmavší VM/FOR/PAL/FUX/FUX